Saturday 12 January 2008

The Gull that flies the highest sees the farthest.

Today I am going to write about the potential within each of us to achieve our goals. The classic statement which comes to my mind and which inspires me a lot is one from Richard Bach's book - Jonathan Livinston Seagull - where he states " The Gull that flies the highest sees the farthest".

This single statement embodies the spirit which each of us should have within us to try out difficult things in life and confront the same. In this book, young Jonathan Seagull is told by his peers and elders that he cannot fly and should give up all attempts to learn flying and be contended with what he gets to eat near the shores. However Jonathan does not give up hope and learns the ropes through the hard way and starts flying and then starts excelling at it and not only does he fly but could also dive down and swoop and get fresh catches of fishes. His detractors are then in awe of him when they see him do this effortlessly.

The secret behind Jonathan' s success lies in the fact that he was able to have FAITH in himself and practice continuously without any self doubt. He had absolute CLARITY in what he wanted and also carved out a path for himself. Also he knew that " THE GULL THAT FLIES THE HIGHEST SEES THE FARTHEST".

Similarly now in our lives, while we set out to achieve our goals, do we really get worried and bogged down by self doubts and fears or do we really step forward and try out boldly where no one has ever gone before. Just try doing it and you will be surprised by the positive results.

How do you do it:

You will need to have a mental visualisation of the end result which you want and then carve out a path for your self and then work on the same. NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE. Between the fight of the stream of water and the solid rock, it is the stream which always wins as it is persistent in its efforts and continuously wears out the rock.

Try and give wings to your dreams and thoughts and you will also experience the feeling of Jonathan Seagull and really appreciate the meaning of " The Gull that flies the highest sees the Farthest."


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